This multipurpose machine makes use of valuable space.
One of the conundrums for Dry Cleaners is how to maximise floor space. This is especially difficult when it comes to finishing equipment. The traditional method is to use a Utility Double Buck Press commonly known as a Hoffman (named after the original inventors and manufacturers of this type of machine). Unfortunately, Utility Presses require skilled operators, can only process flat panels and struggle with complex garments such as Shirts and Sort /Suit Jackets.
The simple answer is augmenting a Utility Press with a dedicated Shirt Machine and separate Form Finisher (for jackets). Unfortunately, this triples the require space for machinery. As well as increases the heat level in the finishing area.
Paul Dhillon who runs One Stop Cleaners, in Kings Cross London realised his Customers were demanding higher quality as well as serious increase in the number of Shirts/Jackets he was processing.
Mr Dhillon quoted “I could not keep up with demand with just a Utility Press but am stuck for additional room to place the required equipment”
Paul got in touch with All Parts Dry Cleaning who helped identify space in his basement for a combination Shirt/Jacket finisher from Barbanti. This Barbanti 451 MultiFinisher is capable of finishing shirts to a very high standard straight from the washing machine. No need to dry Shirts for 20 minutes in the Tumble dryer first, before labouredly finishing on the Utility Press.
This saved time and increased the production rate from 15 shirts per hour to 45. In addition, Paul is able to finish Jackets, Overcoats and Raincoats on the same machine.
One Stop Cleaners opted for the “Barbanti 451 MultiFinisher, Barbanti 520 Collar and Cuff Machine as well as a Rotundi Electric Boiler to provide ample amounts of Steam. Options chosen for the 451 Multi Finisher include rotating cuff clamps, Pneumatic Height Adjustment as well as a computer control Panel with the ability to make fine adjustments during finishing.”
Iqbal viewed several machines from competitors including Sankosha and Pony before finally deciding on the Barbanti 451. The real challenge was to get the equipment down a narrow set of stairs. This was accomplished by partially dismantling the equipment and reassembling when they were in their final position
Part of Paul’s selection process included sending his two sons to an All Parts Dry Cleaning organised trip, with several prominent London based Dry Cleaners, to North Italy to view a working Dry Cleaning Plant and the Barbanti Factory
Are you facing a similar situation with your Dry Cleaning Machine? Call All Parts Dry Cleaning on 0330 1331698 or fill in the form below.